Staying Safe Online
Install your personal computers and mobile devices with anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software.
Update your personal computers and mobile devices with the latest version of operating system, anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software.
Update your web browser with the latest available version.
Remove the file and printer sharing option in your computer, especially if it is constantly connected to the Internet.
Make regular backup of critical data on your computer.
Consider the use of encryption technology to protect sensitive data.
Always logout after each session.
Always log off and clear your computer’s cache after each banking session. Logging off and cache clearing may eliminate all traces of your visits from the computer’s memory.
Avoid installing softwares or running programmes of unknown origin.
Delete junk and chain emails on a regular basis.
Avoid opening email attachments from any source you do not know or trust.
Keep your personal banking information strictly to yourself.
  • Do not disclose your login ID, password, activation code, ATM PIN or credit card information to anyone including bank employees.
  • Do not write them down nor store them in any device.
  • Never disclose your One-Time-Password (OTP) or OTP token's serial number to anyone.
  • Make sure no one sees your input when you use them.
Never use a computer or a device which cannot be trusted.
Never access online services or perfrom financial transactions from a publicly shared computer or any device that cannot be trusted.

Basic CIMB Clicks Online Security Tips:

Verify your website address begins with "https://" instead of "http://"- it shows that you are using a secure connection. If your browser gives you a warning that a SSL certificate does not belong to the bank, logout immediately and inform us.
Look for the padlock icon on your browser’s status bar. The icon denotes the Verisign certificate which meant that the website can be trusted. Always check to ensure that the URL listed in the digital certificate is the bank’s correct URL.
URL clues. Take note of the website address change in your browser’s address bar.
Create hard to guess usernames and password. Prevent outsiders from guessing your username or password. Preferably, usernames and passwords should be:
  • At least 6 digits or alphanumeric.
  • Not easily identified with you eg. Your birth date, address, etc.
  • Memorize your password and change it regularly.
  • Unique to different websites, applications or services.
Do not store or retain any login details on your computer. Do not select the browser option for storing or retaining user name and password. 
Never respond to any suspicious or unsolicited emails. The bank will never ask you to disclose, change or update your personal banking information via emails, phone or SMS. You could be coaxed into entering a bogus website that may look fraudulently identical to the bank’s site. In short, make it a practice to clear your inbox of any junk and chain emails.
Never click on a link in an email or pop-up window to go to a site. Always enter the bank’s correct URL (
Never call a number appearing on an email you suspect is fraudulent. A phoney telephone number may be used in the email.
Never use a public computer or a device to access your online banking.(E.g. internet kiosk at airport, internet café, etc).
Never leave your computer connected and unattended for long period of time.
Observe your past transaction history. It is advisable that you constantly check your account balance and its transaction history frequently and report any discrepancy to the bank.
Download your Mobile Banking application only from authorized sources such as Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Do not install and accessd CIMB Clicks Mobile App on any phone with Operating System being tampered with, as it poses potential risk to virus and malicious software.